September 30, 2020 - Cook's AGPS launced the new modern website. Visit
This site will soon be redirected for modern browsers, and left as a support site for legacy field systems.


As of February 23, 2018, GeoLogic Computer Systems has acquired sole ownership of the copyright to the software formerly known as AMW-Works that was built on GeoLogic software known under its registered trademark and copyright as, GeoSite Manager System. This includes all modules within AMW-Works, such as, but not limited to: Pipe; Ditch; Level; Dig; Point; Topo; Road; and WasteMaster. AMW Machine Control, XMC Machine Control and Pulsar Mechatronics no longer have any rights to the software and may not sell it nor transfer licenses for users of it. AGPS and GeoLogic are currently recruiting dealers who wish to license and support this software to end users. Please contact AGPS for more information.

About AGPS

AGPS sells software and hardware for mapping and machine control, with a focus on Agricultural water management.
We have service, support, parts, and hardware along with software for any system. We can help you maintain older systems as well as new.
We look forward to helping existing customers as well as new.

Our Mission
AGPS offers over 20 years of experience in Soil and Water Management. Utilizing AGPS applications, coupled with RTK GPS for 3D Machine Control, the Agricultural community is resolving `farm drainage` problems. AGPS is in business to help our customers prosper. A full line of farm drainage tools are available; AGPS-Topo (data collection), AGPS-Pipe Pro (drainage pipe installation), AGPS-Ditch Pro (drainage ditches, waterways), AGPS-Dirt Pro (land leveling/forming), as well as Land Shaping and Tile Design.

AGPS activation line

Your AGPS dealer should be your first contact for software activation and support. If your dealer is unable to assist, please try one of the numbers below.

That number is (989) 402-4779 or remember 989-40AGPS9